Monday, December 8, 2008

Geraldine's Sleep Habits

A subject that is frequently discussed at Seminary three is sleep. Specifically certain roommates bed times.  While Barbara Jean and Betty are the night owls (they usually don't hit the hay until around 2 or 3) Bev usually goes to bed around 12.  Geraldine, on the other hand, is a completely different story.  She never sees the clock strike 12am on a school night.  Last night is the perfect example.  At 9:45, all four of the true residents were sitting around the dinning room table, per usual, discussing the subject of our next post, when she stood up, stretched and said "Im going to bed." Now the other roommates still had at least 3 hours of productivity left before they would sleep, thus they could only stare as she went in her room and shut the door.  A college student who is in bed before 10pm the week before finals? Who would have thought it possible, Geraldine my friends, Geraldine.  Geraldine's peculiar sleep habits have earned her the nickname "grandma," a fitting name as she needs at least 12 hours of sleep a night. Don't worry Geraldine, we love you despite your early bed time.

Wishing everyone a happy Monday, this is Seminary 3, signing out!

B, BJ, B, G


-J. said...

This is Alistair writing in defense of Geraldine's sleeping habits. So what if a college student wants to go to bed at a time where most hookers are starting the work day. I believe this is our prerogative. I say our because i went to bed at 10:15 last night. I would have been dead like someone at Asbury Towers had a certain red headed roommate not woken me up to what i can only assume is porn. So Gerry.... to celebrate our early bed times, let's go to Denny's and complain about how the youngster wear their pants.

A-Sizzle Out!

The Ladies of Seminary 3 said...

What I would like to correct is that I went to bed at 10:15 because I watched Desperate Housewives. So, if you're watching my habits, get it right. Thanks stalkers.